Rivals Unraveled

Henry Pym



Demiguy (he/him, they/them, ant/ants)



Born to a couple in rural Nebraska, Hank was considered a difficult child growing up, constantly trying to invent things with a childish whimsy. His grandmother, Angela, encouraged this until she died, and Hank's father pushed him to use his clear intelligence to do something more productive. With his father's pressure, Hank got a doctorate by the age of twenty and began working in a lab.

They eventually met Maria Trovaya at a work party. Maria and her father had been part of a revolution in Hungary and fled to the US for safety. Maria and Hank hit it off and not too long after, the two married. Thinking her American citizenship would protect her, the two visited Hungary for their honeymoon and Maria was kidnapped. Hank looked for her by himself until the Hungarian authorities sent him back to the US. Hank then learned that Maria's father had been killed while they were away as well.

Hank buried themself in their work, studying particles that could shift matter between dimensions and thus shrink and grow objects. Unable to get funding for proper research, Hank tested it on himself. He fell into an anthill and one friendly ant helped him get back to his lab so he could return to his normal size. From that day forward, Hank felt a particular kinship to ants.

Hank's father moved to New Jersey with Hank. Hank continued to put all his focus into work and developed a helmet that allowed him to communicate with insects. With this and the Pym particles, he became Ant-Man and tried to use his inventions to help and protect people.

In one of their first major conflicts, Elihas Starr tried to steal Hank's inventions and kill Hank, but Hank's father ended up getting shot protecting Hank and subsequently died.

One day, Vernon van Dyne and his daughter, Janet, came to ask Hank for help studying portals. Reminded of the Trovayas, Hank initially refused, not wanting to get attached to people again. He thought the van Dynes would be safer that way, but unfortunately, he was wrong. Vernon accidentally brought in a monster from another dimension and got killed. Janet went to Hank, this time demanding answers. Hank explained that he was Ant-Man and he'd take care of it, but Janet insisted on being able to go along with him and he relented. Janet became the Wasp and the two of them became a crime-fighting duo together.

Eventually the two founded the Avengers and many adventures were had and also Hank changed his superhero name like 10 times, going by Giant-Man, Goliath, and Yellowjacket at various points. Hank and Janet also married, then later divorced, then were friends after the divorce.

Eventually, Hank was one of the people abducted and replaced by the Skrulls. When he returned, he at first wanted to not be a superhero, retreating to a depression cave in a pocket dimension because a lot of his friends had fucking died while he was away. But he went back to being a superhero, this time as the Wasp, and lead a team of Avengers for a bit.

Hank was put in charge of Avengers Academy, a school initially formed to take care of children who'd been harmed by Norman Osborn, but eventually opened up to any aspiring superheroes. Hank also helped with a team of robot Avengers, but mostly focused on the Academy and collaborating with the other superhuman schools, like the Braddock Academy, the Jean Grey School, the Future Foundation, the Pan-Asian School for the Unusually Gifted, the Wakadan School for Alternative Studies, the Atlantean School, and the Latverian School of Science.

In a conflict with Ultron, Hank launched himself and Ultron both into space, trying to sacrifice antself and take Ultron out with them. However, once in space, Ultron fused their bodies together. After several months of everyone on earth thinking Hank was dead, Hank and Ultron returned.

Hank and Ultron both struggle to be the dominant controller of this fusion, but for the moment, Hank is winning.


  • Hank has DID, with Yellowjacket being the main alter besides Hank.
  • I do not accept Hank as a habitual abuser. He struck Janet once, almost immediately removed himself from her life after that, and the two were mostly amicable after their divorce until later comics changed that.
  • I don't actually like any of the comics of Hank and Ultron fusing, but I think the concept of the two being fused is cool and I think cyborgs are sexy. So there we go.
  • Autistic and Jewish uwu
  • Birthday: January 31 (aquarius)


  • He will adopt/teach/mentor any child or young adult who is willing
  • Loves sciencing with people
  • Would rather focus on helping people change than fighting villains


Main - points up. In my heart, Avengers Academy is still going strong and I refuse to accept otherwise.

MCU - i can be convinced to write cranky old man hank