Seto KaibaYu-Gi-Oh!

19 (or verse dependent)
He referred to his body as a prison so make of that what you will (He/Him)
As a teen, Seto Kaiba took over Kaiba Corp and turned it from a weapons manufacturer to one of the biggest gaming corporations in the world. Obsessed with winning at any cost, Kaiba came into conflict with Yugi Muto when Yugi became the first to defeat him at a game. His desire to defeat Yugi and reclaim his title as King of Games got Kaiba caught up in a fated destiny he didn't want. When the spirit of the Pharaoh who shared a body with Yugi moved on, Kaiba did not and made every effort possible to drag Atem back.
- Manga and anime inspired, though I'm highly selective about acknowledging the filler arcs
- I love making AUs for this loser and I also love playing different versions of him, so expect to see many verses added over time
- Birthday: October 25 (virgo)
- Play games with him. Warning: if he wins, he'll bully you and if he loses, he'll be obsessed with you
- Bully him. He deserves it.
- Involve him in supernatural bullshit that he can scoff at and be annoyed about being dragged into
- Get bullied by him. For enrichment.
Main: Post-DSoD - unless planned otherwise, I'll default to post Dark Sides of Dimensions. Kaiba got back from the afterlife. I can match details to Atems I interact with, but when I'm not referring to a specific Atem's verse, Kaiba brought Atem back with him and Atem went to live his life.