Shizuku HaseiUndead Girl Murder Farce

Cis woman (She/Her)
Born to a family that served Aya, Shizuku was trained from a young age to fight as Aya's bodyguard. When she was old enough and ready to serve, she was introduced to Aya and began dutifully working for her. When Aya's body was stolen, Shizuku was the only survivor of the attack. She became even more protective of Aya after that.
- When carrying Aya around, Shizuku is very quiet, but she is quite opinionated when she isn't on duty.
- UGMF is similar to a property like League of Extraordinary gentlemen, in that there are various public domain figures running around, such as Sherlock Holmes, the Phantom of the Opera, and Arsene Lupin. I won't assume Aya has met other versions of those characters, but it would be fun to plot out stuff with them, even if you haven't seen this anime!
- Birthday: October 30 (virgo)
- She investigates cases involving the supernatural (vampires, werewolves, oni, etc), so that's fun
Main - Aya, Shizuku, and Tsugaru are traveling Europe in search of Moriarty while taking jobs as a detective.