Suguru GetoJujutsu Kaisen

Trans man (highly stealth) (He/Him)
Human mutant
Originally born in Japan, Geto travelled to the US as a teenager to attend Xavier's school for mutants. His ability was to absorb people's negative emotions and turn that energy into creatures. When he was sixteen, he failed a mission to protect a girl from a cult of non-mutants, and over the next year, he fell into depression and fear. About a year after that, he was on another mission and encountered two young mutant twins in a rural village, being abused. In response, he wiped out the entire village and took the two girls away, leaving the X-Men. He determined that he would kill all non-mutants after that and a cult formed around him over the next decade. The cult is a mix of mutants in the leadership and non-mutants who Geto only keeps around for the money.