Mai Kujaku
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters

Trans woman (She/Her)
A pro-duelist who once had an “everyone for themself” attitude, but changed to seeing the good in working with others and making friends after meeting Yugi Muto and his friends. Still tends to be guarded after having a lot of bad experiences, though.
- I do not ship Mai with any of the teenagers
- I will only selectively reference the Orichalcos arc. I didn't really like it when I saw it and haven't gone back and rewatched it in a while, but I'm open to headcanon'ing stuff for it
- Birthday: November 20 (libra)
- tba
Main - set post-series. Mai is a pro-duelist and travels the world, participating in various tournaments. She is considered a big name in Duel Monsters.
Cape Comics - can adapt to most superhero comic settings. Mai is a pro-gamer, but also works for a mysterious criminal organization called Doma.